Class DefaultClientResources

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DefaultClientResources
    extends Object
    implements ClientResources
    Default instance of the client resources.

    The DefaultClientResources instance is stateful, you have to shutdown the instance if you're no longer using it.

    DefaultClientResources allow to configure:
    • a addressResolverGroup that is a provided instance of AddressResolverGroup.
    • a commandLatencyRecorder which is a provided instance of CommandLatencyRecorder
    • a dnsResolver which is a provided instance of DnsResolver.
    • an eventBus which is a provided instance of EventBus.
    • .
    • the ioThreadPoolSize, alternatively
    • a eventLoopGroupProvider which is a provided instance of EventLoopGroupProvider. Higher precedence than ioThreadPoolSize.
    • computationThreadPoolSize
    • a eventExecutorGroup which is a provided instance of EventExecutorGroup. Higher precedence than computationThreadPoolSize.
    • a nettyCustomizer that is a provided instance of NettyCustomizer.
    • a socketAddressResolver which is a provided instance of SocketAddressResolver.
    • a threadFactoryProvider to provide a ThreadFactory for default timer, event loop and event executor instances.
    • a timer that is a provided instance of HashedWheelTimer.
    • a tracing that is a provided instance of Tracing.
    Mark Paluch, Yohei Ueki