Interface CommandLatencyRecorder

    • Method Detail

      • recordCommandLatency

        default void recordCommandLatency​(SocketAddress local,
                                          SocketAddress remote,
                                          RedisCommand<?,​?,​?> command,
                                          long firstResponseLatency,
                                          long completionLatency)
        Record the command latency per connectionPoint and commandType.
        local - the local address
        remote - the remote address
        command - the command
        firstResponseLatency - latency value in TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS from send to the first response
        completionLatency - latency value in TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS from send to the command completion
      • recordCommandLatency

        void recordCommandLatency​(SocketAddress local,
                                  SocketAddress remote,
                                  ProtocolKeyword commandType,
                                  long firstResponseLatency,
                                  long completionLatency)
        Record the command latency per connectionPoint and commandType.
        local - the local address
        remote - the remote address
        commandType - the command type
        firstResponseLatency - latency value in TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS from send to the first response
        completionLatency - latency value in TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS from send to the command completion
      • isEnabled

        default boolean isEnabled()
        Returns true if the metric collector is enabled.
        true if the metric collector is enabled