Class MicrometerTracing

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MicrometerTracing
    extends Object
    implements Tracing
    Tracing adapter using Micrometer's Observation. This adapter integrates with Micrometer to propagate observations into timers, distributed traces and any other registered handlers. Observations include a set of tags capturing Redis runtime information.

    Capturing full statements

    This adapter can capture full statements when enabling includeCommandArgsInSpanTags. You should carefully consider the impact of this setting as all command arguments will be captured in traces including these that may contain sensitive details.
    Mark Paluch
    • Constructor Detail

      • MicrometerTracing

        public MicrometerTracing​(io.micrometer.observation.ObservationRegistry observationRegistry,
                                 String serviceName)
        Create a new MicrometerTracing instance.
        observationRegistry - must not be null.
        serviceName - service name to be used.
      • MicrometerTracing

        public MicrometerTracing​(io.micrometer.observation.ObservationRegistry observationRegistry,
                                 String serviceName,
                                 boolean includeCommandArgsInSpanTags)
        Create a new MicrometerTracing instance.
        observationRegistry - must not be null.
        serviceName - service name to be used.
        includeCommandArgsInSpanTags - whether to attach the full command into the trace. Use this flag with caution as sensitive arguments will be captured in the observation spans and metric tags.
      • MicrometerTracing

        public MicrometerTracing​(io.micrometer.observation.ObservationRegistry observationRegistry,
                                 String serviceName,
                                 LettuceObservationConvention convention)
        Create a new MicrometerTracing instance.
        observationRegistry - must not be null.
        serviceName - service name to be used.
        convention - the observation convention to use