Class ResolvableType

    • Field Detail

      • NONE

        public static final ResolvableType NONE
        ResolvableType returned when no value is available. NONE is used in preference to null so that multiple method calls can be safely chained.
    • Method Detail

      • getType

        public Type getType()
        Return the underling Java Type being managed. With the exception of the NONE constant, this method will never return null.
      • getRawClass

        public Class<?> getRawClass()
        Return the underlying Java Class being managed, if available; otherwise null.
      • getSource

        public Object getSource()
        Return the underlying source of the resolvable type. Will return a Field, MethodParameter or Type depending on how the ResolvableType was constructed. With the exception of the NONE constant, this method will never return null. This method is primarily to provide access to additional type information or meta-data that alternative JVM languages may provide.
      • isInstance

        public boolean isInstance​(Object obj)
        Determine whether the given object is an instance of this ResolvableType.
        obj - the object to check
        See Also:
      • isAssignableFrom

        public boolean isAssignableFrom​(Class<?> other)
        Determine whether this ResolvableType is assignable from the specified other type.
        other - the type to be checked against (as a Class)
        See Also:
      • isAssignableFrom

        public boolean isAssignableFrom​(ResolvableType other)
        Determine whether this ResolvableType is assignable from the specified other type.

        Attempts to follow the same rules as the Java compiler, considering whether both the resolved Class is assignable from the given type as well as whether all generics are assignable.

        other - the type to be checked against (as a ResolvableType)
        true if the specified other type can be assigned to this ResolvableType; false otherwise
      • isArray

        public boolean isArray()
        Return true if this type resolves to a Class that represents an array.
        See Also:
      • getComponentType

        public ResolvableType getComponentType()
        Return the ResolvableType representing the component type of the array or NONE if this type does not represent an array.
        See Also:
      • getInterfaces

        public ResolvableType[] getInterfaces()
        Return a ResolvableType array representing the direct interfaces implemented by this type. If this type does not implement any interfaces an empty array is returned.
        See Also:
      • hasUnresolvableGenerics

        public boolean hasUnresolvableGenerics()
        Determine whether the underlying type has any unresolvable generics: either through an unresolvable type variable on the type itself or through implementing a generic interface in a raw fashion, i.e. without substituting that interface's type variables. The result will be true only in those two scenarios.
      • getNested

        public ResolvableType getNested​(int nestingLevel,
                                        Map<Integer,​Integer> typeIndexesPerLevel)
        Return a ResolvableType for the specified nesting level. The nesting level refers to the specific generic parameter that should be returned. A nesting level of 1 indicates this type; 2 indicates the first nested generic; 3 the second; and so on. For example, given List<Set<Integer>> level 1 refers to the List, level 2 the Set, and level 3 the Integer.

        The typeIndexesPerLevel map can be used to reference a specific generic for the given level. For example, an index of 0 would refer to a Map key; whereas, 1 would refer to the value. If the map does not contain a value for a specific level the last generic will be used (e.g. a Map value).

        Nesting levels may also apply to array types; for example given String[], a nesting level of 2 refers to String.

        If a type does not contain generics the supertype hierarchy will be considered.

        nestingLevel - the required nesting level, indexed from 1 for the current type, 2 for the first nested generic, 3 for the second and so on
        typeIndexesPerLevel - a map containing the generic index for a given nesting level (may be null)
        a ResolvableType for the nested level or NONE
      • getGeneric

        public ResolvableType getGeneric​(int... indexes)
        Return a ResolvableType representing the generic parameter for the given indexes. Indexes are zero based; for example given the type Map<Integer, List<String>>, getGeneric(0) will access the Integer. Nested generics can be accessed by specifying multiple indexes; for example getGeneric(1, 0) will access the String from the nested List. For convenience, if no indexes are specified the first generic is returned.

        If no generic is available at the specified indexes NONE is returned.

        indexes - the indexes that refer to the generic parameter (may be omitted to return the first generic)
        a ResolvableType for the specified generic or NONE
        See Also:
        hasGenerics(), getGenerics(), resolveGeneric(int...), resolveGenerics()
      • resolveGenerics

        public Class<?>[] resolveGenerics()
        Convenience method that will get and resolve generic parameters.
        an array of resolved generic parameters (the resulting array will never be null, but it may contain null elements})
        See Also:
        getGenerics(), resolve()
      • resolveGenerics

        public Class<?>[] resolveGenerics​(Class<?> fallback)
        Convenience method that will get and resolve generic parameters, using the specified fallback if any type cannot be resolved.
        fallback - the fallback class to use if resolution fails (may be null)
        an array of resolved generic parameters (the resulting array will never be null, but it may contain null elements})
        See Also:
        getGenerics(), resolve()
      • resolveGeneric

        public Class<?> resolveGeneric​(int... indexes)
        Convenience method that will get and resolve a specific generic parameters.
        indexes - the indexes that refer to the generic parameter (may be omitted to return the first generic)
        a resolved Class or null
        See Also:
        getGeneric(int...), resolve()
      • resolve

        public Class<?> resolve​(Class<?> fallback)
        Resolve this type to a Class, returning the specified fallback if the type cannot be resolved. This method will consider bounds of TypeVariables and WildcardTypes if direct resolution fails; however, bounds of Object.class will be ignored.
        fallback - the fallback class to use if resolution fails (may be null)
        the resolved Class or the fallback
        See Also:
        resolve(), resolveGeneric(int...), resolveGenerics()
      • resolveType

        public ResolvableType resolveType()
        Resolve this type by a single level, returning the resolved value or NONE.

        Note: The returned ResolvableType should only be used as an intermediary as it cannot be serialized.

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Return a String representation of this type in its fully resolved form (including any generic parameters).
        toString in class Object
      • forMethodReturnType

        public static ResolvableType forMethodReturnType​(Method method,
                                                         Class<?> implementationClass)
        Return a ResolvableType for the specified Method return type. Use this variant when the class that declares the method includes generic parameter variables that are satisfied by the implementation class.
        method - the source for the method return type
        implementationClass - the implementation class
        a ResolvableType for the specified method return
        See Also:
      • forMethodParameter

        public static ResolvableType forMethodParameter​(Method method,
                                                        int parameterIndex,
                                                        Class<?> implementationClass)
        Return a ResolvableType for the specified Method parameter with a given implementation. Use this variant when the class that declares the method includes generic parameter variables that are satisfied by the implementation class.
        method - the source method (must not be null)
        parameterIndex - the parameter index
        implementationClass - the implementation class
        a ResolvableType for the specified method parameter
        See Also:
        forMethodParameter(Method, int, Class), forMethodParameter(MethodParameter)
      • forMethodParameter

        public static ResolvableType forMethodParameter​(MethodParameter methodParameter,
                                                        ResolvableType implementationType)
        Return a ResolvableType for the specified MethodParameter with a given implementation type. Use this variant when the class that declares the method includes generic parameter variables that are satisfied by the implementation type.
        methodParameter - the source method parameter (must not be null)
        implementationType - the implementation type
        a ResolvableType for the specified method parameter
        See Also:
      • forArrayComponent

        public static ResolvableType forArrayComponent​(ResolvableType componentType)
        Return a ResolvableType as a array of the specified componentType.
        componentType - the component type
        a ResolvableType as an array of the specified component type