Class CommandBatching

  • public abstract class CommandBatching
    extends Object
    Programmatic command batching API.

    CommandBatching is used to queue commands in a batch queue and flush the command queue on command invocation. Usage:

     public interface MyCommands extends Commands {
       public void set(String key, String value, CommandBatching batching);
       public RedisFuture<String> get(String key, CommandBatching batching)
     MyCommands commands = …
     commands.set("key", "value", CommandBatching.queue());
     commands.get("key", CommandBatching.flush());

    Using CommandBatching in a method signature turns the command method into a batched command method.
    Command batching executes commands in a deferred nature. This also means that at the time of invocation no result is available. Batching can be only used with synchronous methods without a return value (void) or asynchronous methods returning a RedisFuture. Reactive command batching is not supported because reactive executed commands maintain an own subscription lifecycle that is decoupled from command method batching.

    Mark Paluch
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • CommandBatching

        public CommandBatching()
    • Method Detail

      • flush

        public static CommandBatching flush()
        Flush the command batch queue after adding a command to the batch queue.
        CommandBatching to flush the command batch queue after adding a command to the batch queue.
      • queue

        public static CommandBatching queue()
        Enqueue the command to the batch queue.
        CommandBatching to enqueue the command to the batch queue.