Interface RedisGeoAsyncCommands<K,​V>

    • Method Detail

      • geoadd

        RedisFuture<Long> geoadd​(K key,
                                 double longitude,
                                 double latitude,
                                 V member)
        Single geo add.
        key - the key of the geo set.
        longitude - the longitude coordinate according to WGS84.
        latitude - the latitude coordinate according to WGS84.
        member - the member to add.
        Long integer-reply the number of elements that were added to the set.
      • geoadd

        RedisFuture<Long> geoadd​(K key,
                                 double longitude,
                                 double latitude,
                                 V member,
                                 GeoAddArgs args)
        Single geo add.
        key - the key of the geo set.
        longitude - the longitude coordinate according to WGS84.
        latitude - the latitude coordinate according to WGS84.
        member - the member to add.
        args - additional arguments.
        Long integer-reply the number of elements that were added to the set.
      • geoadd

        RedisFuture<Long> geoadd​(K key,
                                 Object... lngLatMember)
        Multi geo add.
        key - the key of the geo set.
        lngLatMember - triplets of double longitude, double latitude and V member.
        Long integer-reply the number of elements that were added to the set.
      • geoadd

        RedisFuture<Long> geoadd​(K key,
                                 GeoValue<V>... values)
        Multi geo add.
        key - the key of the geo set.
        values - GeoValue values to add.
        Long integer-reply the number of elements that were added to the set.
      • geoadd

        RedisFuture<Long> geoadd​(K key,
                                 GeoAddArgs args,
                                 Object... lngLatMember)
        Multi geo add.
        key - the key of the geo set.
        args - additional arguments.
        lngLatMember - triplets of double longitude, double latitude and V member.
        Long integer-reply the number of elements that were added to the set.
      • geoadd

        RedisFuture<Long> geoadd​(K key,
                                 GeoAddArgs args,
                                 GeoValue<V>... values)
        Multi geo add.
        key - the key of the geo set.
        args - additional arguments.
        values - GeoValue values to add.
        Long integer-reply the number of elements that were added to the set.
      • geodist

        RedisFuture<Double> geodist​(K key,
                                    V from,
                                    V to,
                                    GeoArgs.Unit unit)
        Retrieve distance between points from and to. If one or more elements are missing null is returned. Default in meters by, otherwise according to unit
        key - the key of the geo set.
        from - from member.
        to - to member.
        unit - distance unit.
        distance between points from and to. If one or more elements are missing null is returned.
      • geohash

        RedisFuture<List<Value<String>>> geohash​(K key,
                                                 V... members)
        Retrieve Geohash strings representing the position of one or more elements in a sorted set value representing a geospatial index.
        key - the key of the geo set.
        members - the members.
        bulk reply Geohash strings in the order of members. Returns null if a member is not found.
      • geopos

        RedisFuture<List<GeoCoordinates>> geopos​(K key,
                                                 V... members)
        Get geo coordinates for the members.
        key - the key of the geo set.
        members - the members.
        a list of GeoCoordinatess representing the x,y position of each element specified in the arguments. For missing elements null is returned.
      • georadius

        RedisFuture<Set<V>> georadius​(K key,
                                      double longitude,
                                      double latitude,
                                      double distance,
                                      GeoArgs.Unit unit)
        Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of longitude and latitude.
        key - the key of the geo set.
        longitude - the longitude coordinate according to WGS84.
        latitude - the latitude coordinate according to WGS84.
        distance - radius distance.
        unit - distance unit.
        bulk reply.
      • georadius

        RedisFuture<List<GeoWithin<V>>> georadius​(K key,
                                                  double longitude,
                                                  double latitude,
                                                  double distance,
                                                  GeoArgs.Unit unit,
                                                  GeoArgs geoArgs)
        Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of longitude and latitude.
        key - the key of the geo set.
        longitude - the longitude coordinate according to WGS84.
        latitude - the latitude coordinate according to WGS84.
        distance - radius distance.
        unit - distance unit.
        geoArgs - args to control the result.
        nested multi-bulk reply. The GeoWithin contains only fields which were requested by GeoArgs.
      • georadius

        RedisFuture<Long> georadius​(K key,
                                    double longitude,
                                    double latitude,
                                    double distance,
                                    GeoArgs.Unit unit,
                                    GeoRadiusStoreArgs<K> geoRadiusStoreArgs)
        Perform a georadius(Object, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) query and store the results in a sorted set.
        key - the key of the geo set.
        longitude - the longitude coordinate according to WGS84.
        latitude - the latitude coordinate according to WGS84.
        distance - radius distance.
        unit - distance unit.
        geoRadiusStoreArgs - args to store either the resulting elements with their distance or the resulting elements with their locations a sorted set.
        Long integer-reply the number of elements in the result.
      • georadiusbymember

        RedisFuture<Set<V>> georadiusbymember​(K key,
                                              V member,
                                              double distance,
                                              GeoArgs.Unit unit)
        Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of member. The member itself is always contained in the results.
        key - the key of the geo set.
        member - reference member.
        distance - radius distance.
        unit - distance unit.
        set of members.
      • georadiusbymember

        RedisFuture<List<GeoWithin<V>>> georadiusbymember​(K key,
                                                          V member,
                                                          double distance,
                                                          GeoArgs.Unit unit,
                                                          GeoArgs geoArgs)
        Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of member. The member itself is always contained in the results.
        key - the key of the geo set.
        member - reference member.
        distance - radius distance.
        unit - distance unit.
        geoArgs - args to control the result.
        nested multi-bulk reply. The GeoWithin contains only fields which were requested by GeoArgs.
      • georadiusbymember

        RedisFuture<Long> georadiusbymember​(K key,
                                            V member,
                                            double distance,
                                            GeoArgs.Unit unit,
                                            GeoRadiusStoreArgs<K> geoRadiusStoreArgs)
        Perform a georadiusbymember(Object, Object, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) query and store the results in a sorted set.
        key - the key of the geo set.
        member - reference member.
        distance - radius distance.
        unit - distance unit.
        geoRadiusStoreArgs - args to store either the resulting elements with their distance or the resulting elements with their locations a sorted set.
        Long integer-reply the number of elements in the result.
      • geosearch

        RedisFuture<Set<V>> geosearch​(K key,
                                      GeoSearch.GeoRef<K> reference,
                                      GeoSearch.GeoPredicate predicate)
        Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of reference the search predicate. Use GeoSearch to create reference and predicate objects.
        key - the key of the geo set.
        reference - the reference member or longitude/latitude coordinates.
        predicate - the bounding box or radius to search in.
        bulk reply.
      • geosearch

        RedisFuture<List<GeoWithin<V>>> geosearch​(K key,
                                                  GeoSearch.GeoRef<K> reference,
                                                  GeoSearch.GeoPredicate predicate,
                                                  GeoArgs geoArgs)
        Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of reference the search predicate. Use GeoSearch to create reference and predicate objects.
        key - the key of the geo set.
        reference - the reference member or longitude/latitude coordinates.
        predicate - the bounding box or radius to search in.
        geoArgs - args to control the result.
        nested multi-bulk reply. The GeoWithin contains only fields which were requested by GeoArgs.
      • geosearchstore

        RedisFuture<Long> geosearchstore​(K destination,
                                         K key,
                                         GeoSearch.GeoRef<K> reference,
                                         GeoSearch.GeoPredicate predicate,
                                         GeoArgs geoArgs,
                                         boolean storeDist)
        Perform a geosearch(Object, GeoSearch.GeoRef, GeoSearch.GeoPredicate, GeoArgs) query and store the results in a sorted set.
        destination - the destination where to store results.
        key - the key of the geo set.
        reference - the reference member or longitude/latitude coordinates.
        predicate - the bounding box or radius to search in.
        geoArgs - args to control the result.
        storeDist - stores the items in a sorted set populated with their distance from the center of the circle or box, as a floating-point number, in the same unit specified for that shape.
        Long integer-reply the number of elements in the result.